--- title: "Introduction to FastCGI" subtitle: "Group 10" author: "Andrew Fuller" --- ### In the beginning One app, one web server apache.c: ``` if (page == "/loginform.html") { sendfile("templates/loginform.html"); } else if (page == "/profile.html") { printf("Status: 200 OK\r\n"); printf("Content-type: text/html\r\n"); printf("\r\n"); printf("

Hello %s

", user); ``` ### CGI Generate responses with an external process Web server does: ``` $ export REQUEST_URI="/loginform.asp" $ ./mycgi.exe Status: 200 OK Content-Type: text/html

Please login

... ``` ### CGI Requests are passed through envp and stdin ``` int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp){ int len = atoi(getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH")); char *req = malloc(len); read(STDIN_FILENO, len, req); {'u','s','e','r','=','m','i','k','e','6','9','&' 'p','a','s','s','=','t','h','r','i','l','l','7'} ``` ### CGI HTTP GET query string ``` char *query = getenv("QUERY_STR"); ``` Which page was requested? ``` char *uri = getenv("REQUEST_URI"); ``` HTTP POST vars? File uploads? ``` fread(buf, count, 1, stdin); ``` ### CGI Decouples web server from web app No more embedded: - mod_php - mod_python - mod_ruby - mod_rack / phusion ### CGI Spawn a new process for each request? ``` $ export REQUEST_URI="/loginform.asp" $ ./mycgi.exe $ export REQUEST_URI="/login.asp" $ ./mycgi.exe $ export REQUEST_URI="/profile.asp" $ ./mycgi.exe $ export REQUEST_URI="/deleteprofile.asp" $ ./mycgi.exe $ export REQUEST_URI="/redirect.asp" $ ./mycgi.exe ``` ### FastCGI Advantages: - Fast ### FastCGI Fast: ``` $ ./myfcgi.exe Listening on ``` ### FastCGI For each request, web server: - Connects to fastcgi app - Sends the request variables - Reads the reply, forwards it to client ### FastCGI ``` ``` or ``` /tmp/myapp.sock ``` or ``` 192.168.1.{90,91,92}:1337 ``` ### Terminal App [Terminal](http://cmpt470.csil.sfu.ca:9010/terminal.html) ### Problems with FastCGI ![](photos/jerrychenme.png) ### Alternatives to FastCGI SCGI - Simple Common Gateway Interface WSGI - Web Server Gateway Interface PSGI - Perl Server Gateway Interface ISAPI - Internet Server Application Programming Interface ### SCGI Simple ### SCGI Simple protocol New (2006) Not widely used ### WSGI Web Server Gateway Interface Made for Python They don't care about everyone else ### PSGI Perl Server Gateway Interface Made for Perl They don't care about everyone else ### ISAPI Internet Server API Made by Microsoft They don't care about everyone else Uses DLLs and OS services, much tighter coupling ### FastCGI Support Every major webserver can forward requests over FastCGI Every major language can respond to FastCGI requests ### Q&A Any questions?